So it's time to say goodby to Koh Phagnan and the trip finished with a bang at the much anticipated Fight Night at the Cobra Stadium, Thongsala. The English lads Zac and Izaak did Chorenrit Muay Thai school proud with both of them winning their fights, by knockout no less, Zac taking out his opponent in the first round. This was head trainer Mak's last fight for a long time with him heading off to Japan to teach Muay Thai at a school there, he was pretty happy with the results of his two fighters which was a great going away present for him. Stayed out until quite late celebrating with a few Changs and have a very sore head today, still so out of it in the morning that I sat and watched casually as my boat arrived, boarded and took off again as I sat at the pier. Luckily their was another one in 15 minutes so no harm done. Yesterday was my last training session at the gym before I head back to Koh Samui and over to Singapore for the Warriors game, as difficult as the sessions were I will really miss that intensity when it comes to training, I'm going to have to really push myself to match them. I have added a Muay Thai fight in Thailand to my Bucket List (things to do before you die), haven't really thought around the logistics as yet but I definitely want to get back to Thailand for a month some time and train up for a fight but will need to get down to at least 8okgs or else I will be up against a monster.
Sad to say goodbye to Koh Phagnan, will definitely be coming back in the near future, probably the best place I have been to in a long time. Will miss the magnificent Thai food, Movie Restaurants, the awesome book shop in Haad Rin, training at the school, the beaches, the friendly locals, such a wonderful place. I am slightly over budget at the moment but I am counting on Cambodia and Laos to catch it back up, Singapore won't be cheap so i will have to tighten the purse strings until I am safe in Manila.
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